What is the Niederlassungserlaubnis? 


 What is the Niederlassungserlaubnis? 

As you’re moving yourself through the process of relocating to Germany, you might have come across the word Niederlassungserlaubnis. In this blog post, we answer all your questions revolving around “What is the Niederlassungserlaubnis?”.

Niederlassungserlaubnis is a settlement permit for an unlimited period of time, which gives the holder unrestricted access to the labor market. For employers, it can be an advantage to support this one-time procedure. We will tell you about the requirements for acquiring this residence permit, what, in our experience, are the most common obstacles that applicants encounter, and how Startcon can help you or your company to get the Niederlassung seamlessly.

As a skilled worker, you may be eligible for the settlement permit if you meet certain requirements. In general, the most important requirements are related to being in possession of a relevant residence permit, having made social security contributions (either yourself, or your spouse) for the time determined by law, and having sufficient knowledge of the German language. Blue Card holders and skilled workers with a German university degree have privileged access to the permanent residence permit. 

The procedure for obtaining a permanent residence permit can be difficult to navigate. The process requires contact with different institutions, such as the German pension fund and the Immigration Office and is highly bureaucratic. It may take several months before securing an appointment with the Immigration Office. When it comes to the appointment, you may be faced with other challenges which might be easier to overcome if you are accompanied by someone with the experience to prepare you before and accompany you in this meeting.

In our Startcon team, we have a lot of experience in supporting our clients to obtain the Niederlassungerlaubnis and how to deal with the difficulties that can arise along the way. In the words of our team of advisors “Thanks to a sustained but balanced follow-up with the immigration authorities I achieved in my cases acceptable timelines” says Hena Vega, “Being the bridge between the applicant and the immigration authorities helps to avoid misunderstandings and to manage expectations” says Tais Acosta and Semira Afewerki assures that “identifying possible errors in the certificates in time avoided getting an invalid application”.

Startcon is happy to support you or your employees with the application for the settlement permit. We will guide you through the process of acquiring the documents and submitting your application on your behalf with the Immigration Office, follow up for you, and accompany you on the day of the interview. We know that obtaining the Niederlassungerlaubnis is an important step in integrating in Germany, and we take it with the same seriousness as well as flat finding and health insurance.

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This information does not include legal advice or legally binding information. If questions remain or arise, please contact the responsible authority directly or consult a legal expert in this field. Thank you for your understanding!

By Katharina Ender Blog Share: